Ever note mac
Ever note mac

ever note mac

Use of the source code and binary libraries included in this package The Evernote SDK is licensed under a BSD style license:Ĭopyright (c) 2007-2012 by Evernote Corporation, All rights reserved. You can still get access to the underlying Thrift client objects, though: check out EvernoteSession's userStore and noteStore properties. What if I want to do my own Evernote Thrift coding?ĮvernoteNoteStore and EvernoteUserStore are an abstraction layer on top of Thrift, and try to keep some of that nastiness out of your hair. To use the SDK in a non-ARC project, please use the -fobjc-arc compiler flag on all the files in the Evernote SDK. You can check for expired using if(EvernoteSession isTokenExpiredWithError:error]) in the error block. You should check for expired auth tokens and trigger authentication again if the authentication token is expired or revoked by the user. getNoteWithGuid: withContent:YES withResourcesData:YES withResourcesRecognition:NO withResourcesAlternateData:NO success:^(EDAMNote *note) failure:^(NSError *error) to get note : the Note browser in the sample app for some sample code. Give this a single item with your consumer key prefixed with 'en-' Modify your application's main plist fileĬreate an array key called URL types with a single array sub-item called URL Schemes. Our pod name is "Evernote-SDK-iOS".Įvernote-sdk-ios depends on some frameworks, so you'll need to add them to any target's "Link Binary With Libraries" Build Phase.Īdd the following frameworks in the "Link Binary With Libraries" phase

  • Use cocoapods, a nice Objective-C dependency manager.
  • ever note mac

    (Make sure to add the -ObjC flag to your "Other Linker flags" if you choose this option). Build the evernote-sdk-ios as a static library and include the.Add the evernote-sdk-ios xcodeproj to your project/workspace.

    ever note mac

  • Copy the evernote-sdk-ios source code into your Xcode project.
  • You can do this on the Evernote Developers portal page. Installing iOS SDK Register for an Evernote API key (and secret) Please check out the Evernote Developers portal page.Īpple style docs are here. Evernote SDK for iOS/Mac version 2.0.0 What this isĪ pleasant iOS-wrapper around the Evernote Cloud API (v1.25), using OAuth for authentication.

    Ever note mac