Download steam donut county for free
Download steam donut county for free

download steam donut county for free

This tongue-in-cheek element is prevalent in the game’s systems itself, as each item that you swallow with the hole has a description that clearly has BK’s cynicism and wit present.Īs for the characters themselves, each of them has a clearly defined personality which leads to great comedic dialogue. As is readily apparent, the story is not very serious at all and takes a very tongue-in-cheek comedic tone, which works brilliantly with the game’s concept. BK does this in order to earn enough points on a phone app to purchase a quadcopter drone. We hear from everyone who is in the underground cavern, and then play a flashback as BK when he swallows each character into the hole. The story of Donut County focuses on your character, a raccoon named BK, as he is accused of swallowing the entirety of Donut County into a massive hole and leaving them underground (which yes, he did). Source: Screen capture – Lewis Dupe Story and Characters The game uses this simplistic framework to excel at character, both in the world and its inhabitants. This story, as well as the game’s short and simplistic nature, leaves it feeling like a pure expression of love for making games – one of the keys to a successful indie game. The game’s initial premise is rather unique, as the idea originated from a public game jam where a parody Twitter account won and thus their game concept was made into Donut County. More content is not always ideal for certain games, as Donut County developed by Ben Esposito proves aptly. Sometimes a shorter, but still enjoyable, gaming experience is worth a player’s time.

Download steam donut county for free